waiting on an angel
Monkey Birth
2003-12-11 @ 9:40 a.m.
Last night I had a dream that I ended up giving birth early to my baby, who ended up being a boy, with a hairy monkey bum. What really makes me laugh is the fact that I was more bummed out that he was not a she, than the fact that he had a hairy monkey bum.

Not only that, but apparently I was on a field trip, on the wrong bus, when the impending birth happened. Apparently this didn't bother me either.

Think I am stressed about this pregnancy....nahhhhhh not at all! ;)

Actually, I don't particularly feel pregnant yet. Well of course there is the have to eat every hour business so I don't vomit, but other than that, at 15 weeks, I am wearing the same pants I did before, feeling generally the same, which...is alright if I wasn't already paranoid about how the kidlet is doing.

I mean, apparently I am if I am dreaming he/she is a baby primate.

I am feeling generally guilty today that I haven't called Heather to check if she's dead or alive still. Mainly because she was nice enough to come and bring me McDonald's whilst I was in the throws of the plauge, thus contracting the plauge, and the phone calls have ceased since from her. Crap...I killed her lol.

Mayhaps if she is well we can venture off to wally-world. That's some nice nuetral territory. Who can be hatin amongst christmas specials and gun rack displays...right? You with me here?

IN the end, I do need to start my annual forced christmas shopping. You know people don't tell you about how when you get married you suddenly become the gift cordinator for your family. My husband, doesn't do christmas shopping. He freezes in panic when I ask him to pick something out for his dad, and eventually it goes undone until the day before and the only thing left to give is like, socks and regifted candy canes. Now that he isn't here, at least that gives me a smidgen more time to squeeze in shopping for my entire family, and his 3 sisters and their children, husbands...pets, whatever. I don't mind Christmas, its just infinatly harder pulling it off by yourself with 2 kids. God I sound like a scrooge don't I?

Not intended.

I'm addicted to those Jimmie Dean sausage muffins. Like Sausage McMuffins, only...in my FREEZER! This is a most dangerous feature. Mmm....sausage....pork of the gods.

Well off I go. Check out my cast section...it's coming along very cute-like, if I don't say so myself.

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